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Equipment and Service Management
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Equipment and Service Management
All the equipments used in a manufacturing industry, details are stored in this application.
Equipment and Service Management
Key Features
1 Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
2 Excise Forms & Registers
3 Excise Duty Register
4 Generate or Process Internal Stock Orders
5 Reports to View Orders Received Vs Orders Processed
6 Maintenance of Office Equipments
7 Service Register
8 Swap, memo and approvals
1 Our ERP applications are scalable and customizable to fit the specific needs of any business requirements
2 These applications can be customized for different branches of a same organization
  • "CloudCRM4 is an advanced software application that works as a comprehensive and one stop solution for all your business development needs"
  • "Total business solutions in Information Technology. This application makes the marketing management easy as never before"
  • "This Service is to save your time and ease your procurement process."